This week, Leroy Troester of Troester Dairy, Mifflinburg, Pa., welcomed ADA North East and the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay to plant 850 trees on his farm, as part of an effort to promote on-farm riparian buffers to highlight all dairy farmers’ commitment to sustainability and to protecting local waterways in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
The Pennsylvania Dairy Promotion Program, working through ADA North East and in partnership with the Alliance, is sponsoring a public relations campaign around the program to build consumer awareness of dairy farmers’ environmental commitment. Planting trees along farm waterways helps keep water clean and improves quality in local streams that lead into the Bay.
In addition to Troester, last week we enlisted the help of former Philadelphia Eagle and dairy advocate Jason Avant to participate in a similar event on a Lancaster County dairy farm to help amplify dairy farmers’ environmental commitment. The campaign will include advertising through social media outlets to boost consumer awareness, with messages from Avant and spokespersons for all organizations involved.
Read more about ADA North East and PDPP’s riparian buffer education programs.