Dairy farmers know that students need access to milk and meals when school is out, so ADA North East works with school districts and anti-hunger advocates to promote USDA’s Summer Meals program through a geo-targeted social media campaign. It helps families find a nearby sites in their urban neighborhoods through digital ads on ADA North East’s Facebook, Instagram and TikTok pages. Ads have been launched in English in 20 cities in our region, in addition to Spanish versions in Baltimore, New York City and Philadelphia, and several New Jersey cities. Meals are free to children 18 years and under and include milk and other nutritious foods like fruit and vegetables and more.
When school is out for the summer, millions of children lose access to school breakfast and lunch leaving them at the risk of going hungry. Furthermore, of the 20 million students across the nation who are eligible for free and reduced-price lunches during the school year, less than five million participated in the Summer Food Service Program last year, leaving 15 million children unserved.