Celebrate World Milk Day on June 1 and National Dairy Month!

The first of June, designated World Milk Day, is the launch of National Dairy Month, and recognizes the importance of milk as a global food and celebrates the dairy industry. This year’s theme focuses on sustainability to showcase dairy’s commitment to reducing the sector’s environmental footprint.

Rally with us to by sharing the sample social posts below.

Hashtags to use in your posts!

On Wednesday, June 1:


On June 2 and remainder of month:

#NationalDairyMonth and/or #EnjoyDairy

Tag us! 

We’re on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @americandairyNE

Sample Social Posts

World Milk Day (June 1) – Sample Social Post

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Raise a glass of milk in celebration of #WorldMilkDay today! It’s a good time to remember that dairy is sustainably produced, nutritious, affordable and nourishes our communities. How do you #EnjoyDairy? 🌎🐄 #NationalDairyMonth

National Dairy Month (After June 1) 

Sample Social Post 1

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Dairy cows are natural #recyclers. Cow manure is a natural fertilizer which contributes nutrients to the soil to nourish future crops. 🌎🐄 #NationalDairyMonth

Sample Social Post 2 (Facebook and Instagram only)

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How are dairy farmers working to reduce GHG emissions? #NationalDairyMonth #EnjoyDairy

🐄 More efficient animal feeding
✔️ Fuel use reduction
⚡ Energy use reduction
☁️ Methane reduction and capture
💩 Manure handling improvement
🌾 Grassland expansion to absorb carbon

Additional Resources

Downloadable National Dairy Month Badge (PNG format) – https://dairyspot.box.com/s/al53f26pei79vglv479j7vxfgqe57c4z