Dairy Day at the New York State Fair on Thursday proved to be a celebration of the state’s dairy industry and provided many opportunities to build enthusiasm and trust around dairy.

Media Segments

The New York State Dairy Princesses give “Bridge Street” co-hosts a preview of Dairy Day.

  • New York State Dairy Princess Shelby Benjamin and her alternates Holly Niefergold and Elizabeth Hyman appeared on Syracuse’s WSYR “Bridge Street”  segment on Wednesday to preview Dairy Day.
  • New York State Dairy Princess Shelby Benjamin described Dairy Day activities on WBNG.
  • New York State Alternate Dairy Princess Holly Niefergold was interviewed by Fox Rochester about Dairy Day.
  • ADA North East’s health and wellness specialist Michelle Barber talked about healthy eating with dairy for athletes on WSYR “Bridge Street” on Dairy Day.

A person interviewing the winner of a local pageant while they stand in front of cows.

Undeniably Dairy Shake-Off

2021 NYS Fair Undeniably Dairy Shake-Off

The Undeniably Dairy Shake-Off, always a crowd favorite, returned with Sunny and Charlie from Syracuse.com winning the coveted Tastiest Shake Award. The milkshake contest celebrates the real enjoyment of dairy.

  • Four media teams competed in the contest – Spectrum News, 93Q, Syracuse.com and CNY Latino Media.
  • Contest judges included New York State Alternate Dairy Princess Holly Niefergold, ADA North East President and dairy farmer Audrey Donahoe, New York State Fair Agricultural Manager Christina Tuff and Dairy Products Building vendor Mike Tadros.

Dairy Day Breakfast

ADA North East President and dairy farmer Audrey Donahoe at the Dairy Day Awards Breakfast.e

ADA North East President and dairy farmer Audrey Donahoe and New York State Dairy Princess Shelby Benjamin provided remarks at the Dairy Day Awards Breakfast, a virtual event this year, hosted by the fair and the state Department of Agriculture.

Dairy Products Building Activities

Dairy Princesses and Spectrum News visit the Milk Moves Me GIF booth in the Dairy Products Building.The Dairy Products Building – the hub for all the ADA North East activities – drew large crowds to see the butter sculpture, sample chocolate, strawberry and white milk, and jump into our “You’re Gonna Need Milk for That” GIF booth.



New York State Depart of Agriculture and Markets Commissioner Richard Ball joined ADA North East’s Reegan Domagala for the creation of a Milk Moves Me GIF.