National Farmers Day is Wednesday, October 12. It’s a day to celebrate farming families responsible for delicious, nutritious, and sustainable dairy and other ag products. Share stories about the dairy industry’s work toward sustainability. It’s easy to participate!
This fall, the dairy community is driving awareness of dairy’s essential role in sustainable food systems and spotlighting dairy’s critical role in the path to a greener planet.
Sustainability – Care for the Environment:
- Progress, Not Perfection – Sustainability has come a long way on dairy farms. On a farm today you could see greenhouse gas reduction, water conservation, energy efficiency, and much more. There’s always more to do, but dairy farmers are determined to keep improving.
- Dairy Cows are Superheroes – Dairy cows are multi-tasking wonders: producing nutritious food for people, enriching soil for crops, and increasing renewable energy for communities.
- Dairy Farmers Love the Earth, Too – Dairy farmers are working hard to go greener by reducing greenhouse gases, optimizing water use, and increasing soil health. They know there’s more to do and they’ll keep on raising their sustainability standards until they exceed yours.
Sustainability – Commitments:
In 2020, the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy set aggressive new environmental sustainability goals to achieve carbon neutrality or better, optimize water usage and improve water quality by 2050.
- To reach these goals, the U.S. dairy supply chain is working together to spur new technology and increase science-based research and data collection while expanding practices, resources and tools for more farmers, cooperatives and processors.
Participation is easy – Just follow these quick steps
- Post a Photo (or video) and messaging that connects consumers back to the farm – and what’s real – when it comes to dairy and your connection to dairy.
- Use one of the options provided below (with downloadable photos for Facebook, Instagram or Twitter) —OR— select your own original photo (or video) and add this National Farmers Day Badge to the image
- Post photo with accompanying Suggested Social Copy (or original message)
- Use these Hashtags
- #NationalFarmersDay
- #UndeniablyDairy
- Tag American Dairy Association North East: @americandairyNE (FB, Twitter & Instagram)
Ready-to-Post Photos: Option One

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Happy #NationalFarmersDay! Feel good about raising a glass of milk in celebration! 🥛This delicious, nutritious product is produced in a sustainable way. We’re working hard to go greener by reducing greenhouse gases, optimizing water use, and increasing soil health. There’s always more to do and we’ll keep raising our sustainability standards until they exceed yours. #undeniablydairy
Ready-to-Post Photos: Option Two

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#NationalFarmersDay Sustainability has come a long way on dairy farms. Today, the carbon footprint of one gallon of milk is 19% less than it was a decade ago, and we’re determined to keep improving! By 2050, U.S. Dairy will achieve carbon neutrality or better while improving water use and quality. #undeniablydairy
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Dairy cows, the superheroes. They are the ~ultimate recyclers~♻️. Cows eat foods humans can’t digest, like almond hulls and orange peels, and their 💩💩💩 can be turned into renewable energy🔋to power entire communities 🏠 🏠 🏠! #NationalFarmersDay #undeniablydairy
Additional Resources
Download #1: Greenhouse gas footprint

Download #2: Milk production efficiency

Download #3: Milk’s carbon footprint