Celebrate 50 years of National Ag Day on March 21, which falls during National Agriculture Week (March 21-March 27). We invite you to participate in this year’s social media campaign, themed “Growing a Climate for Tomorrow.”
Hashtags to use
- #AgDay23
- #nationalagday
Tag us!
- We’re on Facebook and Instagram at @americandairyNE
Key Message
Ag Day is about recognizing – and celebrating – the contribution of agriculture in our everyday lives. Farmers can help deliver these messages using the below social posts!

Sample Social Posts
Please note: For Instagram, the URL article link must be used only with photo link setup.
Sample Social Post 1
Post BEFORE March 21
National Ag Day is March 21, 2023. Please join us in celebrating Growing a Climate for Tomorrow. Did you know? Dairy farmers use different techniques to improve soil health and productivity while protecting natural resources. https://www.americandairy.com/sustainability/dairy-and-the-environment/ #AgDay23 #nationalagday
Get Downloadable images for Facebook and Instagram.
Sample Social Post 2
Post on National Ag Day
Happy National Ag Day! Soil, air and water are our most precious resources. We’re Growing a Climate for Tomorrow that protects them all! The carbon footprint of producing a gallon of milk in 2017 shrunk 19% from 2007, requiring 30% less water and 21% less land. Yet it still has the same nutritious benefits and great taste. https://www.americandairy.com/sustainability/shrinking-our-carbon-footprint-and-dairys-net-zero-goal/ #AgDay23 #nationalagday
Get Downloadable images for Facebook and Instagram.
Sample Social Post 3
Post on National Ag Day
Dairy farmers are proud stewards of our land, water and air. Producing a gallon of milk in 2017 involved 19% fewer greenhouse gas emissions than it did in 2007. https://www.americandairy.com/sustainability/shrinking-our-carbon-footprint-and-dairys-net-zero-goal/ #AgDay23 #nationalagday
Get Downloadable images for Facebook and Instagram.
Sample Social Post 4
Post on National Ag Day
Dairy farmers are innovators, committed to leaving a healthy world for future generations. An important tool in improving cow comfort, milk quality and sustainability is technology. See how dairy farmers utilize technology to minimize their impact on the environment. https://www.americandairy.com/sustainability/technologys-role-in-sustainability/ #AgDay23 #nationalagday
Get Downloadable images for Facebook and Instagram.
Additional Resources
- Downloadable 50th anniversary Logo — National Ag Day (PNG format)
- Ag Day News & Events, plus! https://www.agday.org/